In 1893 the Chicago World's Fair, in celebration of Christopher Columbus’s discovery of America, intended to honour transportation pioneers. Three men, Samuel Holmes, Major Pangborn and Timothy Hackworth Young, took on the quest to reclaim Timothy Hackworth's rightful place among that number. I tracked their incredible journey, revealing a tale of setbacks overcome, pioneering innovations uncovered, all in the pursuit of recognition.

A lithograph from my grandfather held the story of Timothy Hackworth. He is the man who can lay claim to the bedrock of our industrial heritage, the steam locomotive. Without him it might well have run out of steam. His unwavering determination and talent pushed him forward amidst others' failures as the world was transformed.
Unveiling this story, bringing him out from the shadows cast by George Stephenson and 'Rocket', is long overdue. Described as 'unputdownable' and 'intriguing’, discover for yourself that it is above all an accessible and enjoyable read.
[Read the short Extract, then check out the Reviews]

Mike Norman